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Things Your Husband May Likely Want You To Do When He Is Making Love To You
The role of lovemaking in marriage cannot be overemphasized. Even though procreation is one of the undeniable benefits that intimacy between married couples can bring, there are other things that husband and wife can gain when they engage in having carnal knowledge of each other in their matrimonial bed.
Just like in other aspects of marriage where couples have expectations, couples also have their individual expectations during their collective involvement in lovemaking.
As funny as this may sound, married couples expect their partners to voluntarily take part in some activities when having quality time with their better half without being told. Sadly, not many couples carry out some of those things.
However, the goal of this content is to unveil some of those things married men wish to see their wives do when making love to them.
When women do the said things, it gives the men some inherent satisfaction and pleasure.
Your husband likely want you to do the following things when he is making love to you:
1.Taking charge in the middle of the act.
As the saying goes, it takes two to tango. Men love it when in the process of the lovemaking their wives take the lead while they (men) receive the action.
In order for both parties to feel the "vibe", the job should not be left for only the man to do.
You can swap roles; you becoming the performer while your husband becomes the receiver.
2. Directing his attention to where will make you have pleasure.
It is the desire of every husband to see his wife satisfied during lovemaking. It gives him some sense of pride and fulfilment.
In order to make the work of satisfying you easy for him, you should not be passive but you need to be expressive by directing him on what to do and which part to put his concentration per time.
You should know that he is not a magician that should know the exact spot to focus on. It is your duty to tell him, while it is his duty to obey and do exactly as you have directed him to do.
3. Touching and holding him without being told.
Don't forget that the goal of lovemaking in every marriage is to achieve mutual satisfaction.
Even as your husband tries all his best to make sure you get satisfied at the end of the lovemaking, he expects you to move your hands by holding and touching him where and when necessary in the process, because it will give him some kind of sensation and satisfaction.
Women save your marriage, know what your husband needs when he is making love to you. Don't give room To those run girls who is interested to take away your husband.
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