Must Read
How to make Godly friends; For Children, Youths and Adults
‘‘Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.. And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; threefold cord is not quickly broken’’ ( Eccl, 4:9-12KJV).
In the path of life and on our way to fulfilling our destinies, we always come in contact with people who influenced us in one way or another. As the saying always goes that no man is an island, we will always need people in our lives who contribute to our overall outcome of our lives; these we call friends. Some affect us positively, why others affect us negatively.
Against this premise, it becomes imperative to know how to make Godly friends who can impact us positively and help us fulfill our destinies. To begin, we must first understand the meaning of the word ‘‘friend’’.
Who then is a friend?
According to the Oxford advanced learner's dictionary, a friend is someone who is not usually a member of our family, who has the same interests and opinions as ourselves and we will help and support us against All odds. In this definition, notice carefully the words that are highlighted from emphasis.
A friend shares same feelings, interests, opinions and beliefs with you. So, whoever does not share same interest, opinion and beliefs with you is not a friend no matter how close you are to each other.
A friend also will help and support you whenever you need him. He is not someone that will harm you but one who helps you to pursue a lifestyle that will take you to a glorious destiny.
He will always be there for you through the hard and thin of life; not like those who only come to you when you are successful and desert you when things are hard and difficult. About such friends, the Bible says
"There are ‘‘friends" who pretend to be friends but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother Proverbs 18:24
It is important to know that we always become like our friends. If they are bad, it will not be long, we will become bad and if they are good and Godly we also do our relationship become good and Godly. About this, the Bible warns,
"Make no friendship with an angry man, and with a furious man thou shalt not go: Lest thou learn his ways and get a snare to thy soul’’. Who was 22 verse 24 to 25 (KJV)
What we become later in life has a lot to do with people we call friends. Since friends have the same interests, opinions and beliefs, we can justifiably say that Godly friends are those who share the same vision, interests, opinions and beliefs about God.
Their characters and lifestyles as determined by the word of God. So, we can see that's Godly friendship is a relationship between Godly people. Because of their fear of God, Godly friends would not harm you or make you do any other thing that would endanger your soul. They will rather encouraged you, pray for you and correct you in love.
To make such friends, you need to take the following steps:
1. Become Godly:
2. Attend Godly meetings:
who are my friends?What category do they fall into, Godly or ungodly?Do they share the same interests belief and opinion of God as me?